
Sony Puts Latest On Vision S Electric Car: We Won’t Sell It

Sad news has come from Sony’s electric car Vision s, which released a promotional video at the CES 2021 show. The company has announced that it’s high-tech electric cars will not be available for sale, but the Vision s will be used for testing on different technologies.

Sony, one of the tech giants, announced its new electric car, the Vision-s, at the CES 2020 trade show, and at the next trade show, it released a promotional video of the car. Images of this vehicle with Level 2 autonomous technology suggested that Sony would go into mass production and enter the car market.

The company made a new announcement that the Vision – s would not be available for sale, but the vehicle would only be used for testing on various technologies and for trials for the PlayStation 5.

Vision S to be tested on Sony’s own technologies

With a total of 40 different sensors, 4 of which are lidar, the Vision-s provides a 360-degree view, while also featuring Level 2 autonomous technology. Sony has stated that the autonomous level will be increased to 4 with the software in the future, and the Vision-s can go on its own without the need for a driver.

Sony did not see the electric car as just a vehicle but also promised high equipment in entertainment. The Vision s featured a 360-degree sound system prepared separately for each passenger and a PlayStation 5 with a 5G connection. Seeing an electric car designed by a company like Sony on the roads could be a very innovative step, but the company, unfortunately, prefers to keep the car to itself.

“We want to take advantage of entertainment in the field of mobility”

A spokesman for the company said in a statement to Car and driver: “at the moment, we do not have any thoughts about putting the car into mass production and selling it. Mobility will be one of the biggest trends of the future, and with Sony, we are exploring how we can contribute to the era of autonomous driving. We plan to contribute to both safety and reliability in autonomous driving thanks to our advanced technologies in image and detection. In addition to all this, we want to provide a successful experience by leveraging entertainment for mobility.”

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